High Sheriff of Gwent

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October 13, 2023
Top 10 dangers online for children

Online safety for children is a paramount concern for parents and caregivers. The internet presents various risks, and it's essential to be aware of them to protect children. Here are the top 10 online dangers facing children: Cyberbullying: Children can be subjected to harassment, threats, or humiliation through texts, social media, or online forums. Inappropriate Content: Exposure […]

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September 27, 2023
Five most common on-line scams

Unveiling the Most Common Online Scams of 2023. The rapid advancement of technology and the widespread adoption of the internet have brought unparalleled convenience to our lives, but they have also paved the way for various forms of cybercrimes, including online scams. As we venture through 2023, it is essential to stay vigilant and informed […]

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August 18, 2023
Identification theft protection services

Identity theft protection is a service that helps individuals safeguard their personal and financial information from being stolen and misused by cybercriminals. There are several compelling reasons why someone might consider investing in identity theft protection: Early Detection: Identity theft protection services often include credit monitoring, which can alert you to any suspicious or unauthorized […]

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August 18, 2023
The plague of Data Breaches

On an almost daily basis, there is a reported serious data leak. Many of them are causing significant distress to people and organisations. In some cases they cause material financial losses and seriously threaten individual well-being.The unfortunate reality is that data breaches, where organisations inadvertently expose sensitive personal details, are becoming too familiar. When faced […]

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July 19, 2023
The Dichotomies of a Surveillance World

As we all become more connected, we are gifting platforms with our personal data, that they farm for capitalist ambitions, while totalitarian regimes create a surveillance world to encourage conformity and reward, or more worrying, non-conformity to persecution and punishment.   During the 1980s, I was sent to the Soviet Union to negotiate a joint […]

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July 9, 2023
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Defence

In an increasingly interconnected world, the rapid growth of technology has given rise to new opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence in cyber defence. As our reliance on digital systems and networks continues to grow, the threat of cyber attacks becomes a pressing concern.

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July 9, 2023
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Threats

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed numerous aspects of our lives, revolutionising industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. However, with its potential for both positive and negative applications, AI has also found its way into the realm of cyber threats.

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May 2, 2023
The Hidden Costs of Litter

Some time ago, I was asked to host a group of executives from a Silicon Valley-based company considering establishing a European headquarters in South Wales. They were attracted by the proposal put forward to meet the needs of their corporate expansion.

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March 30, 2023
First High Sheriff of Gwent to be appointed by King Charles III

Prof. Simon Gibson, CBE, DL, a resident of Monmouth, was appointed the 50th High Sheriff for Gwent at a declaration ceremony at the International Convention Centre Wales. The office of High Sheriff is the oldest in the country after the Crown and dates back more than 1,000 years.  Brigadier Robert Aitken CBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Gwent, […]

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March 17, 2023
High Sheriff Declaration

The Declaration Ceremony Following the pricking ceremony by HM King Charles III on Wednesday, 8th March 2023 in the Privy Council, Professor Simon J. Gibson, CBE, DL, the New High Sheriff of Gwent and Natalie Sandercock, the new Under Sheriff of Gwent will make their Declarations before the Honourable Mr Justice Nicholas Francis, KC, Kt […]

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